History Uncensored

"Today we can declare: Government is not the problem, and government is not the solution. We, the American people, we are the solution." -- Bill Clinton

"Today we can declare: Government is not the problem, and government is not the solution. We, the American people, we are the solution." -- Bill Clinton
Historical Concealment of Adolf Hitler’s 1920 “Why We Are Anti-Semites” Speech
Although historians refer to Hitler‘s August 1920 speech ―"Why We Are Anti-Semites" ― as famous, the text of that speech appears almost nowhere on the internet, nor in supposedly all-comprehensive collections of Hitler speeches. Why? Maybe it has to do with Hitler making the direction connection between socialism and anti-Semitism, a prejudice that goes back to the beginning of the European socialist movement. Or perhaps it is because Hitler‘s hatred of the Jewish race was due to their egoistic attitude to work, meaning that they were capitalistic—working in banking, finance capital and interest-charging lending. Or that Hitler was very supportive of what he called "social justice." This speech is also known as "Why Are We Anti-Semites?"
Some highlights of Hitler‘s speech:
―Since we are socialists, we must necessarily also be antisemites because we want to fight against the very opposite: materialism and mammonism… How can you not be an antisemite, being a socialist!
―Thus we can see the two great differences between races: Aryanism means ethical perception of work and that which we today so often hear – socialism, community spirit, common good before own good. Jewry means egoistic attitude to work and thereby mammonism and materialism, the opposite of socialism.
―Because it seems inseparable from the social idea and we do not believe that there could ever exist a state with lasting inner health if it is not built on internal social justice,…
―There comes a time when it will be obvious that socialism can only be carried out accompanied by nationalism and antisemitism.
―Socialism as the final concept of duty, the ethical duty of work, not just for oneself but also for one’s fellow man’s sake, and above all the principle: Common good before own good, a struggle against all parasitism and especially against easy and unearned income.
―We are convinced that socialism in the right sense will only be possible in nations and races that are Aryan, and there in the first place we hope for our own people and are convinced that socialism is inseparable from nationalism.